Only a Fish Out of Water Can Create Its Own Pond
2008, closed size: 4x 5 ½ x 1, page number: 17, edition size:50 +1 A.P., inkjet printed hand drawings on BFK, book cloth for cover, accordion book
Most people have experienced being a "fish out of water." As a foreigner living outside of my home country, the meaning of this phrase has become painfully evident to me. Homesickness, in my experience, has been more than a feeling of melancholy; it has been more akin to the pain that a true fish out of water may endure. The fish in this book mirror me: I've never been able to escape the feeling of being an outsider, longing for my home.
However, the primary subject of this book is that, while a fish out of water would not be able to survive, at the end of the book, it creates its own water. We can never leave or lose our true home since it is what we create throughout our life, no matter where we are.