The Endless Line (永線) II
2022, Cotton thread, board, sugar powder, lights
For the 1st International Material Art Biennale, Material Thinking hosted and invited by the Contemporary Art Institute of Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, I have created a new iteration of my installation work, The Endless Line.
Unlike the previous incarnation, which was installed in the historic ruins of an abandoned sugar factory in Taiwan, this new work has been designed for the architectural features of the Nanchizi Art Museum. The core elements remain the same - delicate white threads suspended from the ceiling to the floor, forming pillar-like structures conceptually sustaining the building. However, the top mirrors that reflected the mound of sugar at the base have been replaced. I utilized the lighting fixtures on the gallery ceiling, surrounding each bulb with the delicate white threads stream to illuminate the ethereal pillars and the space.
These pillar-like forms serve as metaphors, representing both boundary and passage. They speak to the dichotomy between the tragic past and the hopeful future of the site. The transparent, almost invisible quality of the threads evokes a sense of the spirits and gods that have long sustained the culture through hardship.
By adapting the installation to the specific architectural features of the Nanchizi Art Museum, I aim to offer visitors a contemplative, immersive experience that explores themes of history, transition, and the enduring resilience of the human spirit. The contrast between the fragile, delicate pillars of light and the hard surface of the colorful wooden interior creates a visually striking juxtaposition that invites deeper reflection.
*This project was created with the support of Tsinghua University in China.
*Material Thinking was organized by the Contemporary Art Institute, Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University, with academic support from Tsinghua Art, International Material Art Study.
Photos by Tsinghua University, Korean Cultural Center in Beijing